Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Anxiety: my evil twin

Depression would be nice if it was just depression. However, when in a depressed cycle, I also have great bouts of specific and/or generalized anxiety. Some of it is rational, so isn't.

Once again, this isn't something I can just "snap" out of or "Get over."

I typically sleep much more during this cycle. Because, sometimes, being conscious can be too much for me. Today, however, I did what my therapist would have told me to do.

1. Woke up. Very important.
2. Walk/Feed animals. I have a kitten now. Probably should have thought that one through a bit more but Frankie is working out good.

3. Exercise. I typically enjoy swimming, but missed that window, so I bounced around from machine to machine, getting in some decent workout, plus the sauna/steam combo, which for me is sheer zen.

4. Food: Hot dog omlette. protein is crucial.

5. Since I'm not working right now, constructive use of time. Avoiding expensive things, since, well, Manic Jim blew the bank a bit. Which can be hard when one lacks motivation. My choice today: Red Emma's CoffeeHouse/Bookstore/Functional Collective. Love it here. Coffee's a Buck Fifty with 75 cent refills and good wifi. Collective members are typically up for conversation, which leads me to the final and most crucial point:

6. Don't be alone. I must conversate. I must be with people. Alone is bad. very bad. I'm a true extrovert. I draw my energy from others and give it back in beautiful ways (i.e. friendship, music, art, being really nice).

And one way I've found to not be alone is this blog. It's a chance to put myself out there, at my most vulnerable, and have found love and acceptance. Thanks for reading. Thanks more for caring. And Thanks in advance for not leaving me alone.

Love Y'all!

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