Tuesday, January 17, 2012

head above water

It was like I woke up from a long, gray dream.

I really can't explain what made today different. I dropped my tree-injured car off at the body shop and had a long walk home, contemplating being a pedestrian for a month.

Made corn beef hash and eggs

visited my clubhouse, but didn't stay long.

Jim Rome and Nap.

It was 55 degrees in Baltimore today, so I took my pipe, Chelsea Handler book and Pomeranian to the park.

Smoked and read for an hour and a half!

walked 5 blocks to purchase a 25 lb bag of rice and huffed it home.

talked to Mom while cooking a fabulous dinner.

This is the first time I've felt "normal" since late July! I have a decent feeling of motivation, cleaned a bit today.

It may be seasonal affective. Froze my butt off Sunday at the Ravens, laid low on MLK. It could be the warmer weather simply brightened my mood.

I'm not running away with this. Mania kills. But I will enjoy this small victory of normalcy.
tomorrow is not now.

and today rocks!

1 comment:

  1. Rock on Jim. Glad to hear that things are looking up for you!
